Our Frankincense & Myrrh Incenses are 10.5'' Inches Long of High-Quality Wood Punk Sticks Long Burning Oil Drenched Hand Dipped. Each Sticks Burns for 45 mins to 60 mins.
Do we really need to explain the powerful combination of Frankincense & Mrryh that has been used for millennials in spirituality rituals, healing rituals, protection rituals, and in its herb form for medicinal purposes?
Frankincense and the other plant-derived treasure given to the newborn Jesus in the New Testament narrative—myrrh—have a long history dating back thousands of years. Though perhaps best known for their use in incense and ancient rituals, these substances—both of which boast proven antiseptic and inflammatory properties—were once considered effective remedies for everything from toothaches to leprosy.
According to the Hebrew Bible, frankincense and myrrh were components of the holy incense ritually burned in Jerusalem's sacred temples. It is considered the scent of the gods and is thus a perfect scent to burn during meditation especially when focusing on the Sahasara or Crown Chakra.
Note: The crown chakra or Sahasrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe.